Successful Onboarding

5 mins

Effective onboarding is the cornerstone of building a successful team. It must be remembered...

Effective onboarding is the cornerstone of building a successful team. It must be remembered that this is not just a process of completing paperwork and lengthy induction meetings, onboarding is about setting the foundations for long term success, fostering engagement and increasing productivity. 


In this blog we will explore the key components of effective onboarding and we will offer practical tactics to ensure your new recruits launch into their new roles with confidence. In a study [1] by Workable, they found that 29% of new hires say that they feel unprepared for their jobs after being onboarded, and 81% say they feel overwhelmed by the onboarding process itself. It can be the make or break on whether an employee remains in a role.


Onboarding can take place over a period of weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the job and the needs of the employee. Onboarding begins long before the new recruit steps foot into the organisation and can really set the tone for what is to come, so what do you need to prepare?


Pre onboarding preparation


Prior to your new hire joining your team you must ensure that you have clearly set out the expectations of them in their role, provide them with all the relevant information they will need about the organisation’s culture, dress code, working / office hours and ensure that you send them any relevant materials that they need to review before their first working day. It goes without saying that all employment documentation should be issued in advance of a start date.


Equipment is also something that is extremely important to ensure that it is set up for your new hire’s, ensure that the new hire will have access to all the systems, software, and tools they need to get started. Set up their email account, grant access to relevant databases or software platforms, and provide any necessary login credentials.


Arrange and prepare the new hire's workspace in advance. This includes setting up their desk, computer, phone, and any other necessary equipment or tools they will need to perform their job. If they will be working from home, make sure arrangements are made to pick up equipment.


Buddy Programme


Assigned work buddies help new hires navigate the organisation’s culture, processes, and procedures more quickly, reducing the time it takes for them to become productive members of the team, having a buddy can give increased confidence to the new hire as it provides them with extra support and on hand guidance in their first few months within a new organisation.


The benefits of having a buddy programme are to assist new hires in seamlessly integrating themselves into the organisation’s working practices, as well as its social environment by introducing them to colleagues and supporting them in building relationships. They can also help to develop strong bonds with their mentees, leading to increased morale and job satisfaction not only for the new hire but also to the buddy themselves, which in turn has a positive effect on the organisation as a whole.


You must also remember that being a buddy can take up a lot of time and effort on the part of the buddy, the person chosen to support and be the buddy must have the capacity in their workload to ensure that this process works well. A buddy can provide valuable feedback to the managers about the onboarding process as a while, helping to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the new hires receive the most appropriate support to succeed.


Day 1


Welcoming a new employee to the organisation is an important step in helping them feel valued and excited about joining the team. It is important that on their first day the hiring manager welcomes the new hire into the organisation and the team. As the hiring manager, it is a good idea to organise a team meeting or casual get together with your team to introduce the new hire to their colleagues, if you work remotely this can also be done virtually. Encourage the team to introduce themselves and to welcome the new member to the team.


Schedule in induction sessions to acquaint the new hire with the organisation’s policies, procedures, values, and objectives. These sessions may involve presentations, training modules, and introductions to important stakeholders that the new hire will work alongside.


Give the new employee a tour of the office or facility, highlighting key areas such as bathrooms, break rooms, meeting rooms, and common areas. This helps them feel more comfortable navigating their new surroundings.


Feedback and Reviews


Ongoing reviews provide an organisation with an opportunity to assess the new employee's progress during the onboarding period. They allow managers to gauge how well the employee is adapting to their role, learning new skills, and integrating into the team and organisation as a whole. 


It is important for the new employee to receive regular reviews within the onboarding process and their probationary period, these reviews offer valuable feedback that supports the new employee’s learning and development, they provide insights into their performance and helps them to set goals for their ongoing growth and success within the organisation.


It also allows open communication between the new employee and their manager, which encourages communication about the organisational and management expectations of the new recruit. It also allows the new employee to raise any concerns with their new role and any support that they may need to ensure that they continue to succeed within their new role.


By having regular reviews, it shows the organisations commitment and investment into the new employee’s success, and it plays an important role in assessing the progress of the new recruit and the onboarding process as a whole.


Onboarding can be beneficial for the organisation. By providing new hires with the necessary training and resources, the organisation can ensure that they are able to contribute effectively to the team and the business. This can help to improve productivity and efficiency, as new hires will be able to hit the ground running and be productive from the very start.

Onboarding can also help to promote a positive culture and in turn build a strong team. By taking the time to introduce new hires to the organisation, its values and providing them with opportunities to get to know their colleagues, the organisation can foster a sense of community and belonging. This can lead to better collaboration and teamwork, together with helping to create a more positive and productive work environment.

Successful onboarding is a journey that begins before the first day and extends well beyond the initial induction period. By investing time and resources into creating a comprehensive onboarding experience, organisations can set their new hires up for success, drive employee engagement, and ultimately, achieve their business objectives. 


Remember, the onboarding process is not just about integrating new employees into the organisation; it's about laying the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters growth and success for both the individual and the organisation.