24Apr, 2024

The Talent Leaders Dilemma: Impact of Skills and AI on the Future of Work

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Cappfinity and Elliott Scott HR are excited to be hosting an exclusive conversation and networking event to hear from Industry leaders discussing (honestly) their personal experiences with automation, artificial intelligence, and skills-based talent strategies.


Elliott Scott HR

Guest Speakers

Nicky Garcea

Nicky Garcea

Co-Founder & Co-CEO Cappfinity

Brett  Underhill

Brett Underhill

J. Seldric  Blocker

J. Seldric Blocker

About this event

Cappfinity and Elliott Scott HR are partnering again to run a breakfast event in New York City from 9 am on April 24th, 2024. Previously, we have connected on a hugely successful event in the UK and had the pleasure of collaborating on HR Insights: The Podcast with CEO of Elliott Scott HR and host of the show Stuart Elliott and Co-CEO of Cappfinity Nicky Garcea. We are excited to be working together again for this event which will feature panellists Brett Underhill and J. Sedric Blocker, Early Career & DEI Recruitment Expert. 

Panelists Will Share:

  • Drivers for implementation of AI solutions
  • AI guidelines and governance
  • Necessary skills to work with AI
  • The co-evolution of AI and skill

Date and time

Wed 24 Apr, 2024
09:00 am 90 mins duration
